
There are many ways to get involved at Love and Grace Community Church. Making a decision to contribute by volunteering is one of the most fun and rewarding ways to get plugged in. You meet other people that have the same interests and you get to participate in a vital part of what makes LGCC such a great place! God deliberately shaped and formed you to serve. He gave you certain abilities and talents to put to work for Him. Look through our list of ministries to select how you’d like to serve.

A Place to Serve?

Interested in serving at WUBC but not sure how? If you are searching for your “place” but don’t know how, where, or what; contact Pastor Derek to set up a time to talk about your interests, time schedule and talents! Let us help you get engaged in to service!

Serving Opportunities

Audio Visual/Production Team: Whether on stage or behind the stage there’s plenty to do: musicians, sound/light techs, and media specialists.
Hospitality Team: Make others feel welcome while you greet, serve coffee, usher or work at the Welcome Desk.
Office Support Team: Need a weekday opportunity? In the office you could help with mailings, data entry and more.
Children’s Bible Study: Like to work with kids? Try teaching or greeting on Sunday mornings or Tuesday Night.